Apr 21, 2008

"painted over like a mezzuzah on a Boyle Heights doorway"

Dear Dad,
Please follow through on our agreement which was brokered over the Afikoman. You got the matzah; I get a car.

P.S. The title of this post is quote from Culture Clash's 'radio play' excerpt about Chavez Ravine from the Ash Grove 50th Anniversary show night one at Royce Hall this past Friday.


ReadDanceBliss said...

I won tickets to see Culture Clash at the South Coast Repertory, but I failed to make it to the show.

But it's ok because I can use the ticket vouchers for something else there.

Which I will probably also fail to do.

ReadDanceBliss said...

Did you get the car?

neonspecs said...

No, but I did get two Consumer Reports on the best cars from the dad. I guess that's a step in the right direction.

Laura said...

hey did you ever go see another show there?

ReadDanceBliss said...

Nope. The vouchers were only good for a short time, which time shortly passed me by.