Dear KCRW,
I gave you almost a week's worth of my salary this afternoon. I didn't win the iPod Touch or the MacBook Pro, but I can still win the Australia trip or the SmartCar fortwo. Please make that happen.
P.S. Obviously, the title has nothing whatsoever to do with this post. It is just a great quote from the last season of A Bit of Fry & Laurie, which I have now sadly finished.
Flight of the Conchords. Laura-est show ever. Go watch and be delighted.
while i am definitely enjoying this sudden influx of ericacomments, I must say it is not the Laure-est show EVER, it's just mildly Laura. haha.
clip of extreme Laura-ness
I've actually never seen the whole show. Let's get it on dvd and have a marathon.
okay, so yeah, that clip was pretty amazing. perhaps I should give it another chance. you get the dvd and we'll make this happen, ;-)
this never happened
Truth. Shall we?
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